
Welcome to Heat It Up, the fanlisting for 98 Degrees listed at The Fanlistings Network (thefanlistings.org). This fanlisting is listed in the Musician: Band/Group category, and first opened on April 27, 2014.

Script: Listing Admin 2.4
Since: April 28, 2014
Last updated: May 9, 2024
Member count: 11
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Ainna, Jef
Maintained by: Joy
Part of TFL

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O-Town Dream

Posted by: Joy | Filed Under: O-Town | Comments Closed

Last night I had a dream and O-Town was in the dream.

I was at my high school. It was a coed school. I was in my first period class trying to decide what to do about this paper that I had due next period. I was supposed to interview one of the cliques in school and write about them.

I tried asking people in my class but no one wanted to do it. I asked a girl sitting next to me and she said OK. She told me to ditch class and to follow her and we would go some place and meet up with her clique and they will do it. I went with her and ended up in a room with her and her clique. They were all girls. I asked them what name they called their clique and what the clique was about. Then I went on to ask them a list of questions that I was planning on asking for my paper. I started with the first question. I asked what makes them different from other cliques. One girl answered my question and I was writing it down while she explained. I was about to ask my second question when the clique started getting weird. They were acting like they were going to cast a spell on me or do something horrible to me. They acted like witches or something.

Then a group of four guys came into the room, did something to them and told me to follow them. I followed them until we were outside of the school. One of them said that I was safe now. That was when I saw who they were and I thought they looked like O-Town. They saved me from these girls. When I asked if they were O-Town they just vanished. That was when I woke up.

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