
Welcome to Martial Arts, the fanlisting for The Karate Kid Series listed at The Fanlistings Network (thefanlistings.org). This fanlisting is listed in the movies category, and first opened on March 4, 2011.

Script: Listing Admin 2.4
Since: March 4, 2011
Last updated: August 23, 2024
Member count: 14
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Kiara
Maintained by: Joy
Part of TFL

News & Updates!

Dancing With the Stars Semifinals

Posted by: Joy | Filed Under: Karate Kid Series | Comments Closed

Can you believe it. Ralph Macchio has made it to the Dancing With the Stars Semifinals. He hurt his knee during practice and couldn't even walk last Saturday. He wasn't even sure if he could dance yesterday. He said that if he didn't dance he would be eliminated and that if he danced he might have a chance to make it to the semifinals. He said that it hurt so much when he danced. They had to dance two dances. He came in last place in terms of judges votes but his fans voted and helped him advance. Please continue to vote for him next Monday and help him make it into the final 3. He deserves to win.

Powered by Listing Admin [Robotess Fork] 1.0.2 (original author: Tess)