
Welcome to The Need For Speed the fanlisting for Fast & Furious Series listed at The Fanlistings Network. and The Movielistings Network Please enjoy your stay and join the fanlisting if you're a fan!

Listed At The Fanlisting Network and The Movielistings Network
Joy (Owner) and Courtney (Previous Owner)
Since: May 15, 2011 (TML) and February 21, 2020 (TFL)
23 approved | 1 pending
Newest Member(s): Paul
Last Updated: September 27, 2024

I have always wanted to do a fanlisting for the Fast & Furious series but there was already one. When The Movielistings Network opened up I applied for this movie series and was approved. The Movielisting Network eventually closed down but I kept the listing in the hopes that one day I can either apply for it or adopt it. Courtney put the fanlisting up for adoption. I applied and she approved me for it. Thanks Courtney. The listing is now a part of The Fanlisting Network.

I worked on adding the info, screencaps, cast, etc. for the movies that I did not add. I also decided to update the layout to have it change image whenever you reload the page or load another page within the fanlisting. I did away with doing color and just made a gray layout with the image at top instead of the bottom.

I've added a new layout and/or re-vamped the listing. I didn't like the layout and/or the way I was display certain information so I decided to change them. I've also removed screencaps for some listings and added more content to others.

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