
... to Green Hype, the collective run by Joy. The collective was prevously known as Filipina Princess and was opened sometime in January 2003. Please enjoy your stay!



I've created a new layout for the Karate Kid Series fanlisting. The original one was skinned. I had only did one skin for the first movie. I had planned on doing one skin for each movie but never got around to doing the other movies. I was looking at the fanlisting one day and decided I didn't like the layout. I also decided that instead of skinning the site I would have the header rotate images...one for each movie in the series. I kinda kept the header the same but with different colors and I changed the rest of the fanlisting's layout and colors. I also changed the main page of the screen captures. I hope you all like the new layout.

For the screen captures I changed the size of the full image. It was originally kinda small. I have since made it about twice as big. I am slowly working on each movie. Re-sizing and re-adding them back. I should have them all done on Monday. Please check them out when they are done.

Powered by Listing Admin [Robotess Fork] 1.0.2 (original author: Tess)