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I have always loved watching Amazing Race ever since I saw season 6 when it first aired. I then saw seasons 1 to 5 when GSN was showing re-reuns of it. Ever since I have never missed a season. I fell in love with team Margie and Luke when they first appeared in season 14. They have become one of my three most favorite teams.

I've always wanted to do a fanlisting for Amazing Race but there was already on for it. I even applied to adopt it but wasn't approved for it. I decided to apply for my two most favorite teams. When Margie and Luke came back to Amazing Race for a third time I decided to apply for the fanlisting for them. I applied and was so excited when I was approved by TFL for this fanlisting. I screamed for joy when I got the mail, and worked day and night on the website. Margi and Luke will always be one of my three favorite teams from all seasons of the Amazing Race.


I was approved for this fanlisting on March 10, 2014 and opened the fanlisting the next day.