Troy & Gabriella Fanlisting Website Clear

Hello there!

Welcome to Like Kindergarten, the approved fanlisting dedicated to the relationship of Troy Bolton & Gabriella Montez, characters of the Disney Channel Original Movie, High School Musical!

Fanlisting: N. "An online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country." So, if you're a fan of Vanessa, then please add your name to the fanlisting and show your love and support.

Disclaimer: Everything related to the High School Musical franchise belongs to Disney. This website is neither authorized nor is it official. No copyright infringement is intended.


This fanlisting was last updated on July 8, 2024 and currently has 41 approved fans with 0 waiting to be added. Please give a warm welcome to Marley.


Dec 18 2017

The High School Musical Series: Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez fanlisting is now open. The fanlisting is for the relationship of Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez from the High School Musical Series. Please feel free to join the fanlisting.

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