Owned Listings

You are viewing the Hobbies and Recreation category. There are currently 3 listings listed.

Making: Beaded Crochet Bracelets Crocheted Rope: Making: Beaded Crochet Bracelets
Category: Hobbies and Recreation
Online Since: December 23, 2019
Last Updated: May 27, 2024
Members: 4 approved + [0 pending approval]
Making: Kumihimo Bracelets Gathering of Threads: Making: Kumihimo Bracelets
Category: Hobbies and Recreation
Online Since: November 25, 2019
Last Updated: July 8, 2024
Members: 3 approved + [0 pending approval]
Plastic Canvas Stitching Knitting On a Plastic Grid: Plastic Canvas Stitching
Category: Hobbies and Recreation
Online Since: November 27, 2019
Last Updated: June 24, 2024
Members: 3 approved + [0 pending approval]

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