Sports Star The Air Bud Fanlisting


Hello and welcome to Sports Star, a fanlisting for the Air Bud Series that is maintained by me, Joy. It was opened on March 11, 2006. Feel free to take a look around. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Please join the fanlisting if you are a fan of the movie series.


Script: Listing Admin 2.4
Since: March 11, 2006
Last updated: July 8, 2024
Member count: 24
Pending members: 0
Newest members: AJ
Maintained by: Joy
Part of TFL


Official Site
New Layout and/or Re-Vamps

I've added a new layout and/or re-vamped the listing. I didn't like the layout and/or the way I was display certain information so I decided to change them. I've also removed screencaps for some listings and added more content to others.

Air Bud Series Fanlisting

The Air Bud series fanlisting has been converted over to Listing Admin. Everything is updated so everything should work as they should. If there are any problems feel free to send me an email.

Air Bud Series Fanlisting

The Air Bud Series Fanlisting is now open. It is the fanlisting for the Air Bud movies. Please feel free to join the fanlisting.

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Powered by Listing Admin [Robotess Fork] 1.0.2 (original author: Tess)

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