· history
This domain has had a pretty crazy history. It's a little too complicated to just make a list of stats, so read on if you really want to know about how it got where it is today.
This site began back in the day as Olivia's Chris fansite called Intoxicated. We are unsure of the exact date Intoxicated was opened. Olivia purchased on February 12, 2001 through NuNames and Hosting4Less and moved Intoxicated's content to the domain. Olivia opened up hosting and aquired a few hostees (including Robin and Debbie).
Then in August of 2001, due to personal problems, Olivia was no longer able to maintain the domain in the way she felt it deserved. She asked her friend, hostee, and fellow Chris fan Robin to take over, and another hostee, friend and fan, Debbie to help Robin out. We gladly took on this project, and tried to make not only a hosting domain, but a respectful, mature, informative and fun site that we could be proud of and hoped that people enjoyed visiting.
The domain hit a little speed bump in early January of 2002 when Robin and Debbie were informed that's hosting was running out in February and Oliva would not be renewing it. The domain NAME was still Olivia's until February of 2003. Since we had no way of transfering the domain name to one of us, and we obviously couldn't renew hosting for a domain that wasn't officially ours, we had no choice but to move the domain or watch it die.
We purchased through NuNames and Hosting4Less in the early, early morning of Saturday, January 19, 2002 and opened the domain to the public on January 26, 2002.
In October of 2006, a new server package was bought through JaguarPC, and the DNS officially went through and reopened (after only being down about a day) on November 4, 2006. It is now run by Robin, with a little help from others every now and then (thanks guys!).