» characters · lorena marina costa
Lorena Marina Costa, portrayed by Diana Uribe, is the daughter of a wealthy land developer, who serves as an occasional benefactor for the group, although also serves as a groupie, a title that results in her deciding to take a more active participation in the band beginning in "Yoko Oh No!" (when she auditions for a spot as a vocalist, only for the band to discover her lackluster singing ability) and later vies to be the band's co-manager. Beginning with season three's "Budget Cuts", she becomes the girlfriend of Jake, a relationship that lasts until season four's "Two Too Much" due to their inability to find anything in common. Sly, who had made several failed attempts at attracting her in season three, renewed his attention towards Lorena, with the two becoming a couple in season five's "Love Letters", remaining together for the rest of the series. Several episodes feature Lorena referring to herself in the third person by her full name, usually whenever she is faced with some sort of challenge or has an idea when deceived.