» characters · bobby brady
Robert "Bobby" Brady, portrayed by Mike Lookinland in the TV show, Jesse Soffer (credited as Jesse Lee) in theatrical films, and Max Morrow in the TV movie, is the youngest Brady son and. Bobby was the "safety monitor" at his school and occasionally gets the other siblings into trouble. The precocious and often overlooked youngest boy, Bobby was often portrayed as a whimsical dreamer, fantasizing about having various adventurous lifestyles, such as being a race car driver, a cowboy, and an astronaut. On one occasion, one of his fantasies came true when he got to play football with Joe Namath.
On another occasion, Bobby became a professional race car driver, which led to a crash and Bobby's paralysis on The Bradys. Bobby is going through rehabilitative therapy when he marries his girlfriend, Tracy (Martha Quinn). Bobby - who had dropped out of business school to pursue his dream of racing cars - resumes his originally intended career path, joining Peter in a business venture.