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I have always loved to read mystery/thriller books. My townhouse community was having it's yearly garage sale this year (2016) and one of my neighbors was selling their books. Since I love to read I decided to see if there was any I would buy. I saw the books L is for Lawless and M is for Malice by Sue Grafton. I decided to buy them and check them out. I found out that it was a series that was in alpabetical order starting with A so I bought A is for Alibi and read it. I fell in love with the book. I have then been reading all the books in the Kinsey Millhone Alphabe Series ever since.

One day I saw that the fanlisting for the Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Series was available I applied and was so excited when I was approved to own this fanlisting. I screamed for joy when I got the e-mail, and worked day and night on the website. The Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Series will always be one of my favorite book series. I've started reading all the books in the series and will continue to read them all.


I was approved for this fanlisting on October 12, 2016 and opened the fanlisting on November 10, 2016.