Behind the Zip Code The 90210 Fanlisting


Hello and welcome to Behind the Zip Code, a fanlisting for the tv show, 90210 that is maintained by me, Joy. It was opened on February 1, 2011. Feel free to take a look around. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Please join the fanlisting if you are a fan of the show.


Script: Listing Admin 2.4
Since: February 14, 2007
Last updated: May 27, 2024
Member count: 14
Pending members: 0
Newest members: Joy
Maintained by: Joy
Part of TFL

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Webmaster: Joy
Location: USA
Fave Character(s): Dixon Wilson and Erin 'Silver' Silver

I remember when I was little I lived in an apartment with my mom. We Shared a bedroom because there was only one bedroomS. We didn't have tivo at the time so we used to tape tv shows using the vcr and watch them later on. I remember being a fan of Beverly Hills 90210 and taping one of the episodes. Later on, I was watching the episode in the bedroom and my mom came in and saw me watching and started watching as well. She then became a fan of the show. Ever since then we watched the show together. I was upset when the show ended. Beverly Hills 90210 is my absolute favorite tv show. I was excited when I heard that they were making 90210. Ever since the first episode I watch the show and have never missed an episode. I too, am a fan of this show. I've always wanted to own the fanlisting for this show but someone already owned it. One day in January 2011 I was going through all the KIM lists that I joined and deleting myself from those that I joined that were not on my wishlist and joining those that were on my wishlist. 90210 was on my wishlist so I went to TFL to see if there was a KIM list at the collective of the fanlisting for 90210 and noticed that there was no longer a fanlisting for 90210. I immediately applied for it and was approved for it. I created the fanlisting and here it is.